CIA officials knew that the brutal interrogation techniques being used on detainees could open the agency up to criminal liability, according to a new "torture report" that was released on Tuesday.
In one instance, the CIA's associate general counsel warned that using torture methods on detainees who showed little resistance was risky.
"We open ourselves up to possible criminal liability if we misuse the interrogation techniques," he said. Many of the techniques detailed in the report are clearly torture.
The lawyer's warning was in reference to the interrogation of Janat Gul, who was thought to be working with Al Qaeda. CIA interrogators wanted headquarters to approve an extension on the torture techniques applied to Gul.
Here his full response:
The lawyer notes that cables from the CIA interrogators made clear that the interrogation techniques weren't working on Gul and that continuing them could be seen as excessive.
CIA headquarters approved the extension anyway. Nevertheless, the report says that CIA records indicate "that Gul was not subjected to sleep deprivation, or any other enhanced interrogation technique, following this approval."
SEE ALSO: The CIA Torture Details Are Appalling