These Are America's Secret Elite Warriors
The US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) oversees roughly 70,000 operators, support units, and civilians from each of the military's sister service branches.America's elite soldiers, work under a...
View ArticleWhy This NYC Firefighter Is Prepping For The End Of Civilization
The so-called survivalism movement — made popular by the reality show "Doomsday Preppers"— sounds a little crazy. The idea of preparing for the end of the world might conjure images of wild-eyed people...
View ArticleA Look At Jerusalem Like You've Never Seen Before
Although it's changed hands some 61 times during the course of its 3,000-year history, modern-day Jerusalem is hardly the nexus of violence and controversy that it appears to be from the outside.The...
View ArticleNewly Translated Documents From The '80s Reveal The Peak Of The Soviet...
A stockpile of Soviet documents recently translated for the Wilson Center and dating from the '80s reveal new details about the Soviet Union's fear of possible nuclear conflict during the closing years...
View ArticleThese Surveillance Balloons Are The Hot New Way To Spy On People
Police in Jerusalem have been using sophisticated surveillance balloons to monitor protests and violence in the city. The balloons, manufactured by an Israeli developer and manufacturer of...
View ArticleHow Thanksgiving Took The Place Of An Awesome Military Celebration
If you asked a New Yorker, or anyone from the Northeastern Seaboard for that matter, 150 years ago if they were excited for Thanksgiving you would have received a blank stare.Instead, that individual...
View ArticleTaser Shares Spike After A Police Department Places An Order For Body Cameras...
Shares of Taser International gained more than 6% on Wednesday after the company announced the Winston-Salem police department ordered more than 600 body cameras from the company.In a release...
View ArticleThis Incredible Graphic Shows The Size Of The World's Largest Armies From...
Mapmaking graphic artist Martin Vargic's has made an amazing graphic tracking the size of the world's largest armies at different points in time. The graphic gives an understanding of the just how...
View ArticleIran's Supreme Leader Says Ferguson Shows What's Wrong With America
Nuclear talks with Iran were extended for seven months this week amid signs Tehran may be moving closer to making a deal, but the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, hasn't tempered his...
View ArticleHow The Navy's Latest Anti-Submarine Aircraft Sees Under The Waves
Boeing's P-8A Poseidon has been a part of the US Navy for a year this month. The converted airliner brings the latest in anti-submarine capabilities, reaching greater altitude and speed than its...
View ArticleObama's Middle East Dilemma Is Now Clear
The Obama administration's current strategy for defeating the Islamic State (aka ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) is doomed to fail, International Crisis Group Syria analyst Noah Bonsey writes in Foreign...
View ArticleNorth Korea's 'Princess' Moves Closer To Center Of Power
SEOUL (Reuters) - In her slim-fitting trouser suits and black-heeled shoes, Kim Yo Jong cuts a contrasting figure to her pudgy older brother, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.On Thursday, state media...
View ArticleSyria Denies Targeting Civilians As Crude Barrel Bombs Fall On Cities
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria rejected as "fabricated" U.S. accusations that its forces are targeting civilians with air strikes and said Washington would do better to criticize hardline Islamic State...
View ArticleTop Nuclear Official: We Have 2 Problems With The Iran Talks
Iran may say repeatedly that its nuclear program is strictly peaceful, but the country is not allowing the world's top nuclear watchdog to confirm that assertion."We still cannot give the assurance...
View ArticleRand Paul Slams Obama's 'Absurd' Legal Argument For ISIS Fight
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) thinks the White House is pushing increasingly ridiculous legal arguments in the fight against the Islamic State group (also known as ISIS).In order to justify its...
View ArticleThe US Is On A Collision Course With An 'Absolutely Indispensable' Ally
The US and Turkey are headed for a showdown over Syria, as evidence mounts that Ankara is enabling groups that Washington is actively bombing.Discord between the two allies is now more public than ever...
View ArticleFormer UBS Executive Live-Tweeted Plane Evacuation After Bomb Threat
An American Airlines airplane from Barcelona was evacuated early Sunday afternoon at New York City's JFK Airport following a bomb threat. "We are standing by precautionarily at JFK," an FDNY spokesman...
View ArticleThe Worst Gangster Most People Have Never Heard Of
Drug trafficking, trading nuclear material, contract murders, and international prostitution — that's how the Federal Bureau of Investigation believes Semion Mogilevich, one of its top 10 most wanted...
View ArticlePUTIN: 'Winter Is Coming'
Oil prices plunged following Thursday's OPEC meeting in which the cartel announced that it would not cut production.Falling energy prices have put pressure on the budgets of the world's major...
View ArticleHere's How To Escape New York City During A Doomsday Scenario
As the head of the NYC Preppers Network, New York City firefighter Jason Charles spends his spare time thinking about what would happen in the event of a catastrophe, planning for everything from the...
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