Here's North Korea's Over-The-Top Official Statement On The Sony Hack
North Korea's National Defense Commission addressed the Sony hack in a 1,722-word statement littered with poor English and spelling errors that was published by the country's official news agency,...
View ArticleHere's A Reminder Of Who Has Internet Access In North Korea
Yesterday, North Korea's four internet networks went offline for nine hours. Reuters explained whom the outage affected:"Current and former U.S. law enforcement and security officials said only a tiny...
View Article21 Vintage Photos That Show What Syria Was Like 50 Years Ago
Syria has been at war for nearly four years. The most recognizable images of the country today depict bombed-out buildings, piles of rubble, and displaced citizens.A collection of images taken fifty...
View ArticleThese Amazing Photos Show Soldiers Playing Soccer Near The Front Lines During...
WWI was one of the first truly modern conflicts. Fought mainly along trenches, the war saw the introduction of chemical weapons, tanks, and aerial combat, alongside the first widespread use of machine...
View ArticleGeorge W. Bush Describes The Time He Went Fishing With Putin
"In early 2007, I called Dad and asked him if he would invite President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Walker's Point (the Bush family home in Kennebunkport, Maine)," Bush writes in his new book 41: A...
View ArticlePutin's Grand Military Upgrade Hit A Snag
Russia is in the midst of an intense military buildup, and the country's deteriorating economy is magnifying the cost.During 2015 alone, Russia's national defense budget is expected to be 3.3 trillion...
View ArticleUS Shot Down Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Theorizes Former Airline...
There's a wild new theory about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.It's from a former airline executive, who also happens to be a novelist.The theory is that the U.S. Navy shot down the...
View ArticleIraq Has Now Lost All Semblance Of National Unity
Iraq has lost its last remaining shreds of national unity as the war against ISIS further fractures the country along ethnic and sectarian lines.In August, Iraq's current Prime Minister, Haidar...
View ArticleIt's Alarmingly Easy To Take North Korea's Internet Offline
The Sony hacking saga took an even stranger turn yesterday when North Korea lost internet access for roughly 9 1/2 hours. The cause of the outage can't be conclusively determined.But it appears likely...
View ArticleThe Taiwan Navy Just Unveiled A Stealth Missile Warship Dubbed The...
The Taiwan Navy unveiled its new self-designed stealth missile corvette in Ilan. The vessel has a wave-piercing twin-hull design which helps it to avoid radar detection.Produced by Devan Joseph. Video...
View Article100 Years Ago, German And British Soldiers Declared A Spontaneous Christmas...
London (AFP) - A letter from a World War I soldier describing the "extraordinary sight" of a spontaneous Christmas ceasefire between German and British soldiers was published on Wednesday, 100 years...
View Article'The Interview' Is Now Going To Play In More Than 200 Theaters On Christmas
LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sony Pictures will allow "The Interview" to play in more than 200 U.S. theaters as of Christmas Day, reversing its decision to pull the film, after coming under...
View ArticlePutin's Extraordinary Path From Soviet Slums To The World's Stage
Vladimir Putin may be the wild card in world affairs right now, but he didn't gain that influence overnight.The Russian President's ascension to power is filled with spies, armed conflicts, oligarchs,...
View ArticleThe US Navy Tweeted An Intense Holiday Card
The US Navy tweeted out a hawkish holiday card featuring a cargo ship carrying presents and a destroyer warship lurking in the background. The card includes the play on words, "presence matters because...
View ArticleThese Are The Countries That Could Lose Internet Easily
North Korea was taken offline for 9 1/2 hours earlier this week, possibly as the result of a distributed denial of service attack. It wouldn't take much to DDOS the entirety of North Korea: the country...
View ArticleStop Saying North Korea Didn't Hack Sony
At this point, anyone who doubts that North Korea helped hack Sony is disagreeing with several top cybersecurity firms and the US intelligence community.Nevertheless, many smart people are highly...
View ArticleWhy We Shouldn't Romanticize The Christmas Truce Of 1914
One of the greatest war movies ever made is Grand Illusion, Jean Renoir's 1937 film about a group of French prisoners of war held in a German aristocrat's castle during World War I.In the climactic...
View ArticleRouhani's Façade Is Crumbling
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was elected largely on the premise that he's a moderate. But his 2015 budget proposal suggests that he's more interested in preserving the repressive regime than moving...
View ArticleWe Spoke To A North Korean Defector Who Trained With Its Hackers — What He...
Whether North Korea was responsible for the Sony hack or not, the consensus is that North Korea has some of the best hackers in the world.There have been some reports recently about North Korea’s...
View ArticleUS Military Says ISIS Is Lying About Shooting Down A Jordanian F-16 In Syria
US Central Command released a statement on Wednesday afternoon disputing a claim made by the jihadist group Islamic State (also known as ISIS and ISIL) that they shot down a Jordanian F-16 aircraft...
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