This Signature Shows What Torture Did To Guy Fawkes
Today is Guy Fawkes Day, a day where the U.K. celebrates the foiling of a plot to kill King James I in 1605. The country celebrates this by lighting fireworks and, in a morbid twist, burning an effigy...
View ArticleUS Pilot: Thanks To Espionage, Chinese Stealth Fighters Could Match The F-35
China is set to debut its new Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter at the Zhuihai international airshow next week. Although the fighter's exact specifications are unknown, it could be a match for the F-22 and...
View ArticleIt Was Inevitable That A Navy SEAL Would Speak Publicly About The Bin Laden Raid
Mark Bowden is one of the preeminent journalists of this era, with much of his work focusing on the fraught relationship between the US and the Islamic world. His books include now-classic works of...
View ArticleWhy Cops In Britain And New Zealand Don't Carry Guns
Britain and New Zealand have adopted an uncommon style of policing. Their cops typically don't carry guns on the job.You might assume this would lead to more officer fatalities, but that's not the...
View ArticleHere's Why Forbes Named Putin The Most Powerful Leader On Earth
For the second straight year, Russian President Vladimir Putin was named the World’s Most Powerful Person by Forbes magazine. Leading international counterparts like Barack Obama and China's President...
View ArticleObama's Biggest Foreign Goal Just Got Vastly Harder
Tuesday's wave of Republican congressional victories sets up a potential showdown over perhaps the biggest foreign-policy initiative of President Barack Obama's second term, an effort that one of his...
View ArticleREPORT: US Drone Kills Veteran French Jihadist Fighting With Al Qaeda In Syria
A 24-year-old Frenchman who joined Al Qaeda forces in Syria has reportedly been killed by a US drone strike, according to the French news magazine L'Express.The raid reportedly targeted David Drugeon,...
View ArticleMan Who Used To Be The 'Kremlin's Banker' Says Putin Is Completely Winging It
Putin left his mark in the international community over the past few months, but his motives remain unclear.There's ongoing debate over whether his moves are part of a larger master plan, or if he's...
View ArticleCrimean Coffee Shops Are Now Selling 'Caffé Americano' As 'Caffé Russiano'
In some coffee shops in Crimea, you can no longer order a "Caffé Americano." It's now called "Caffé Crimea."Tanya Lokot tweeted photos of the new trend. One coffee shop alerted customers to the change...
View ArticleThe Man Who Says He Shot Bin Laden Explains The Hardest Part Of Being A Navy...
The Navy SEAL who is claiming to have killed Osama Bin Laden during a Fox News documentary later this week has allegedly been identified.Numerous news outlets have reported the Fox interviewee is...
View ArticleObama Sent A Letter To Iran's Supreme Leader Tying The ISIS Fight To A...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Barack Obama sent a secret letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last month stressing the two countries' shared interest in fighting Islamic State...
View ArticleRobert O'Neill Confirms He Is The Ex-SEAL Who Claims To Have Shot Bin Laden
Robert J. O'Neill confirmed to the Washington Post on Thursday that he is the former Navy SEAL who claims to have shot and killed Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.According to O'Neill, he decided to...
View ArticleHere Are 18 Things Navy SEALs Never Leave Home Without
The Navy SEAL who claims to have shot Al Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 and is speaking with Fox News later this week has revealed his identity to The Washington Post.Robert O'Neill...
View ArticleThe Number One National Security Challenge In Saudi Arabia
Crashing oil prices are bad news for the world's big oil producers, in particular Saudi Arabia.In a new note to clients, RBC Capital Markets' Helima Croft writes that falling prices come as violence...
View ArticleThe Navy SEAL Who Says He Shot Bin Laden Describes Another One Of His Most...
Earlier this week, Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill was allegedly identified as "The Shooter," the SEAL Team 6 member who put three bullets into Al Qaeda mastermind Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011.The famous...
View Article20 Vintage War Planes In Microsoft Cofounder Paul Allen's Multimillion-Dollar...
Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen has plenty of interesting hobbies, including playing in a rock band and collecting real estate and sports teams.One of his biggest passions over the years, however, has...
View ArticleWhy The UAE Is The Middle East's Rising Military Power
The United Arab Emirates is flexing its military muscle in a chaotic, post-Arab Spring Middle East.What was once a nation with a limited presence on the international stage is acquiring advanced...
View ArticlePENTAGON: Navy SEAL Leaker May Have Put National Security At Risk
According to the Pentagon, the former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama Bin Laden may have put "our national security at risk."On Thursday, Robert O'Neill, an ex-member of Navy SEAL Team 6,...
View ArticleThis Is What Happened When The Man Who Says He Shot Bin Laden Told His Story...
Former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill has said he decided to reveal himself as the man who shot and killed Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden after sharing his story of the 2011 raid on the terrorist leader's...
View ArticleThese Pictures Show Why The Special-Forces-Designed Tough Mudder Course Is So...
Since Tough Mudder was founded in 2010, 1.3 million people have participated in one of the company's "military style" obstacle courses, which cover 10 to 12 miles of ground and include about 20...
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