Navy SEAL 'Saw The Fear In Bin Laden's Eyes' Before Shooting Him
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) considers Robert O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who says he shot Osama Bin Laden, a personal friend. In an interview with Business Insider on Thursday, Maloney said she...
View ArticleThe Navy SEAL Who Says He Shot Bin Laden Has Been Telling His Story Since...
Former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill has apparently been telling people he shot Osama Bin Laden during a 2011 raid on the Al Qaeda leader's compound for several years now.However, O'Neill's story only...
View ArticleRussian Tanks Are Rolling Into Ukraine Again ...
Russian tanks and men are reportedly rolling into Ukraine again, a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin met with top military officials to discuss the "deterioration of the situation" in the east...
View ArticlePutin Describes The 'Meaning Of Life'
Russian President Vladimir Putin took a quick break from politics to describe the 'the meaning of life' at the 15th Congress of the Russian Geographical Society."In general, love is the whole meaning...
View ArticleThis Epic Map Shows The Border Disputes That Could Tear Asia Apart
As the US makes a military and strategic "pivot to Asia," it is entering a highly complex and fluid geopolitical environment.China's territorial disputes with its neighbors in the South China Sea have...
View ArticleHere's Why Vladimir Putin Is The World's Most Powerful Person, No Matter What...
Forbes came out with its list of the most powerful people in the world earlier this week. US President Barack Obama came in second. Russian President Vladimir Putin came in first. While Forbes...
View ArticleOn The 35th Anniversary Of The Iran Hostage Crisis, The CIA Breaks Down Facts...
Well, this is cool. On what is the 35th anniversary of the Iran hostage crisis, the CIA is taking to its Twitter account to break down what's "real" vs. "reel" in the movie "Argo," which is about the...
View ArticleHere's Just How Crazy Things Got On The Night The Berlin Wall Came Down
In this excerpt from The Berlin Wall: A World Divided, Frederick Taylor, a German historian, describes the moments leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall by weaving together history, archival...
View ArticlePutin Is Reverting To The Cold War Era, And It's Incredibly Troubling
When the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago, it meant Russia wouldn't be able to dominate eastern Europe as it had. The historic fall on Nov. 9, 1989 also meant European democracies would no longer have to...
View ArticleObama Just Doubled Down On The Battle Against ISIS
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US military has drawn up plans to significantly increase the number of American forces in Iraq, which now total around 1,400, as Washington seeks to bolster Iraqi forces...
View ArticleNorth Korea Video Shows The Insane Training Its Body Guards Endure
You have to be able to withstand insane physical tests just to train as a body guard for North Korea's regime.Propoganda video from the secretive country shows just how grueling this training regimen...
View ArticleThis Super-Sized Cargo Plane Carries NASA's Largest And Most Precious Equipment
NASA's Super Guppy is big enough to fit entire planes in its teardrop-shaped cargo hold. It's as close to a flying babushka doll as an aircraft can get.Its main function is to transport spaceship parts...
View ArticleUnfortunate CNN Headline Confuses 'Osama' And 'Obama'
CNN earned widespread mockery Friday night when it apparently ran a headline referring to a Navy SEAL killing "Obama" instead of "Osama.""SEAL WHO CLAIMS HE KILLED OBAMA UNDER ATTACK," it...
View ArticleThe Obama Administration's Biggest Problem In Iraq Is Painfully Ironic
The Obama administration's plan for Iraq — train 20,000 Iraqi troops and incorporate Sunni tribes into a new national guard — is off to a rough start:First, many details of the training program have...
View ArticleUS Airstrikes Destroyed A High-Level ISIS Convoy
U.S. air strikes destroyed an Islamic State convoy near the Iraqi city of Mosul but U.S. officials said on Saturday it was unclear whether the group's top commander Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been in any...
View ArticleCHARLIE RANGEL: It's 'Insulting' To Say Boots Aren't On The Ground In Iraq
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-New York) is fuming mad over the White House's claim that the thousands of troops being deployed against the Islamic State (also called ISIS or ISIL) doesn't count as "boots on...
View ArticleThe One Surprising Thing Behind The Story Of The Americans Just Freed By...
According To Multiple Sources, as of 12:10 AM EST, The two Americans released seemingly out of nowhere by North Korea have returned to US soil.ABC News and CNN have reported the news via Twitter. JUST...
View ArticleThis Guy Took A Four-Year Break From A Finance Ph.D. Program To Fight With...
As an intelligence officer in the Marine Corps during the US troop surge and the "Anbar Awakening," Marine captain Wesley Gray had a first-hand view of some of the most important events of the American...
View ArticleOBAMA: 'I'm Never Going To Say Never' To More Troops In Iraq
President Barack Obama isn't ruling out sending additional troops to fight the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) jihadists in Iraq."You know, as commander-in-chief I'm never going to say...
View ArticleViolence Has Thickened The Once-Seamless Border Between The US And Canada
IN THE Haskell Free Library and Opera House, which straddles Quebec and Vermont, you can watch a show with one foot in Canada and the other in the United States. Built at the turn of the last century,...
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